Identity Theft Protection Committee (ITPC)
To implement and ensure compliance with legal requirements governing SSNs and PII ECU has established the Identity Theft Protection Committee (ITPC) to oversee the compliance of ECU with respect to the collection, segregation, disclosure and security of SSNs and PII and the development of related policies. The ITPC is also responsible for approving the collection and use of SSNs and PII. Members shall have delegated authority to make decisions regarding use of SSN on behalf of their respective division.
- To establish polices, standards and procedures to enable the university to comply with the requirements of the NC Identity Theft Protection Act
- To review current campus collection and uses of social security numbers and personal identifying information
- To approve or disapprove such collection and use (or future proposed collection and use)
- To review security measures associated with hard copy forms and electronic files that contain social security numbers and personal identifying information
- To document the university’s processes for these issues
- To recommend any institutional changes required to continue compliance or best practices
Meets the fourth Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m.
Tim Smith
Associate Director of Data Compliance
Office of Institutional Integrity
Angela Anderson
Associate Vice Chancellor
Chief Academic Success Officer
University Registrar
Office of the Registrar
Kristie Anderson
Assistant Dean for Business Operations and Financial Affairs School of Dental Medicine
Michelle C. DeVille
Chief Integrity Officer
HIPAA Privacy Officer
HIPAA Security Officer
Office of Institutional Integrity
Mike Hanley
Senior Associate Athletics Director – Student Services
ECU Athletics
Eric Houston
Deputy Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Director of Client Engagement and Support
Information Technology and Computing Services
Joseph Newsome
Associate University Attorney & Ethics Liaison
Office of University Counsel
Amanda Pantelidis
Director, Human Resources Information Systems
Human Resources
Becky Welch
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research Administration and Compliance
Research, Economic Development, and Engagement
Mark Webster
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
Information Technology and Computing Services
Carole Wilson
Director Systems Coordination
Financial Services
Jarell Anderson
Data Compliance Specialist
Office of Institutional Integrity